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Re: Feature requests.

On 25 Nov 2006, at 06:46, Chris Travers wrote:
Some that have sprung to mind - but which I don't immediately have
time to flesh out fully - are:
- ability to add custom headers in the email interface (ie: annoy
Outlook users with "read requests" for your invoices).

Added as  1602610

I believe that the code is in there for read requests :-).  I think it
is just a matter of determining how we want these to be controlled.
Any feedback?

I had envisioned simply a multiple-line text entry box which is added into the headers.

The user can then enter:
  Disposition-Notification-To: "Me Yu" <..hidden..>
  X-MSMail-Priority: High
as he or she wishes.

One might reasonably expect to be able to save a set of defaults, or have the default always fall-back to the last set of custom-headers used (my preference).

Again the text-entry box could be hidden with CSS when not in use.
See: http://bontragerconnection.com/library/hide-reveal-how-it- works.shtml

- option NOT to add email content to invoice's private notes. Annoys
the heck out of me, that does.
- ability to add notes & item notes to an invoice after it has been
posted (without reposting, obviously).

I think the above are the same feature request (1602611).  Thinking
maybe would be better to have emails and notes as "attached documents"
rather than inlining them in the internal notes?

That sounds ideal. Although I wouldn't use it myself - all I want is not to fill up my notes field with rubbish every time I resend an email invoice to a tardy customer - it seems to me that the optimal way to handle internal notes is have each update or entry as an additional item.

For instance, of an order made 20th October & not shipping until after the 19th November.

Internal Notes.
  Bob: 4th Nov - Customer phoned to add component cable to order.
Julie: 14th Nov - Worried customer phoned to check we'd have enough copies of Zelda for launch. Order must not ship without Zelda! Bob: 21th Nov - Customer phoned to enquire shipping status. Explained no component cables in stock. Customer requested separate shipping for component cable.

IMO ideally Julie should not be able to overwrite Bob's note of the 4th when she adds her own notes. Julie's note of the 14th is clearly VERY important!! Bob should not be able to accidentally delete that, either.

I'd also LOVE a "quick search" feature in AR > Customers > Reports. I
have a number of customers who own small businesses or who are
otherwise self-employed and working from home and who'll call me and
say "it's John Smith here, can you do some work for me". I search for
"John" or "Smith" in Company Name, but it doesn't come up because the
invoice has to be made out to JS Decorators Ltd.

Feature request  1602612 filed :-)

TY.  :D

...  My own thinking is that some
things ought to be removed (like ship via) since they are probably
better covered in AR/Transactions.  Other things like Salesperson...

This doesn't affect me, but one might imagine a salesman wishing to give his customers a call for a quick chat about their bills should his commission depend upon it. ;)

As far as working with it, we are moving to an interface that will use
one of two different technologies.  Initially we will use
TemplateToolkit to create the interfaces, and once they are stable, we
will move them to XML/XSLT so that they can more easily be used from
other technologies (part of the infrastructure goal). ...

* whoosh *

If you are interested in helping out with UI design generally, we are
always willing to work with people to help them develop their patches
such that they can be accepted.

I believe you're advising SL users to wait until SMB-L 1.2 before upgrading? I'll install a "development" server as part of the upgrade process and I'll use that to take a look at anything UI that stands out once I actually see it.
