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Re: COGS incorrect when invoices are reposted

On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 13:16 +1000, David Tangye wrote:
> > It is an issue with broken workflows and an
> > unwillingness to insist on making people enter data the correct
> > accounting way.
> No its an issue of having a system that lets people correct their
> mistakes or change information to an invoice quickly and easily. The
> system can do what it needs to do to keep things 'the correct
> accounting
> way'.

No, this is an issue with broken work flows. If you don't have _ALL_ the
information for an invoice or you are prone to making mistakes and get
other people to check things before you send them out to customer (IMHO
a good thing in any case) you should create a sales order. A sales order
can be saved/changed/re-saved/added to all you want because it doesn't
actually touch the inventory numbers. Once your totally happy with the
sales order there is a button on the sales order screen that allows you
to convert the sales order to an invoice. Once you have converted the
the sales order you can post the newly created invoice that contains
exactly what was on the sales order.  

Once you press the post button on an invoice, that is it. That invoice
is a legal document as it is posted. There's no going back even, just to
change a note... well OK maybe it would be nice to be able to add new
notes, but it shouldn't be possible to change or delete existing notes.
Would you hand write an invoice with a pencil?

Tony Fraser
Sybaspace Internet Solutions                        System Administrator
phone: (250) 246-5368                                fax: (250) 246-5398