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Re: setup.pl error on fresh 1.5 installation

On 07.06.2016 00:00, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
FreeBSD uses its own rc scripts. The standard one for Starman can be seen here: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/www/p5-Starman/files/starman.in?revision=340872&view=markup

I then defined the startup like this in /etc/rc.conf:
starman_flags="-I /usr/local/www/ledgersmb15/lib/ --listen :5055 --error-log /var/log/starman.log"

But that way includes were missing, configuration could not be found etc. When I use my own script then it works.

Ok. What you could do, possibly, is changing the starman.psgi file to include:

chdir "/usr/local/www/ledgersmb15";

as the first line after the shebang -- that is before any other - actual-code. If that doesn't work, you might consider:

  chdir ...;

Yep, the one with BEGIN made the official rc script work :)

Great news! Do you have anything you want/need us to add to http://ledgersmb.org/topic/installing-ledgersmb-15 or https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/blob/master/README.md based on your installation experience?

Well, as far as I can recall right now, the only FreeBSD specific nuances were:
  • Link perl binaries /usr/local/bin/perl* to /usr/bin/, something like: for b in /usr/local/bin/perl*; do ln -s $b /usr/bin/ ; done
  • Install all the missing CPAN modules (I did it basically one-by-one from FreeBSD ports system, checking errors on each try, but I guess using 'cpanm' method should do the trick too, and a bit easier).
  • Install p5-Starman and add those aforementioned lines to /etc/rc.conf
  • Start it up with: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/starman start

Also, not related to FreeBSD, to make Apache proxy really work I also added ProxyPass line, so those are:
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:5055/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:5055/


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