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Re: Paypal API payments

Hi Chris,
I have been working with your PayPal script and LSMB 1.2.10 and I will post back the results here when I have it working.
I have found that table customer needs columns for "login" and "passwd" 
(MD5) which I manually populated to start testing with existing customers.
There are two additional tables that - forgive me if the information is 
included in the tar file you sent - "cart" for the cart contents and 
"sessions" for the customer session. I can guess a workable spec for 
these tables, but do you have a definition for these two?
Paul W

Chris Travers wrote:
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Paul Wrightson <..hidden..> wrote:
Thanks, Chris.
I will check it out. It looks like a copy of the SL perl library modules
in the SL directory - correct?
There is a copy of those there.  I would suggest against using it in
production until porting over to LSMB due to sql injection issues.

What needs to be done to make it work with LSMB is:

1) move it over to the LedgerSMB libraries (easy since the API didn't
change substantially).
2) convert the templates ([% %] need to be converted to <?lsmb and ?>).

I just haven't had the time to do both of these.

What the scripts do though is create an SL sales order, which is then
paid via paypal.  It also can integrate with UPS for shipping amounts.

Hope tis helps,
Chris Travers

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