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Re: Number of Taxes on an item or service

Hi Chris,

This would have to happen in OA, since the transactions would be generated
there and then exported to LedgerSMB. We want to report on total A/R for
all students/families, accept payments, etc. within OA... effectively a
limited A/R module.

I suppose if you are supporting MySQL, that would be a requirement...
Otherwise, you could develop OA as essentially an alternative
front-end to LSMB.  We are working on getting the application to a
point where this is feasible.
OA is not tiny. I've been working on it since 2001. (grin) 
However, I want to develop loose linkages with LSMB to take advantage of 
it where I can. AFAIK, this is in the area of exported journal 
transactions. I'll know more as I explore current LSMB code over the 
Easter break. I hope to get a big chunk of the fees system written in the 
next short while.
Is there any interest in a payroll module for LSMB?

Take a look at LedgerSMB/Tax.pm and LedgerSMB/Tax/Simple.pm.  Also
look at how these are called in the other Perl scripts.  Yes, I  know
the code we inherited from SL is somewhat hard to follow in places but
we are working on it :-)
Yes, I've perused older smb-ledger code... obtuse to me.
(but I'm simple. ;-) )

I will. I'll join the devel list, also.


I have a fees design document, if interested, at:



Les R.
Openadmin for Schools
North Battleford, SK, Canada

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