Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - - - will have to look into upgrading.I can't find anything on the website for processes and procedures for updating from one version to another.Since I set it up before I can set it up for you to upgrade and just include that. I will follow up with you off-list about this.Suggestions?(A written out list of commands and processes would be wonderful!)The big thing is we should set up some authentication stuff for this to work. Since I set it up, I should probably help with that at least. I can then let you do the actual upgrade.Here are some commands though to prepare for the upgrade:sudo -u postgres psqlalter user "postgres" with password 'mysecretpasswd' valid until 'infinity';Of course change mysecretpasswd and keep it secret. This is a permanent password.
From there you can download the most recent version. if this was a debian package you can use apt-get. If it was a tarball, download 1.3.38.Unpack it over your existing configuration
Log in with the PostgreSQL credentials you set. Enter the db name you want to upgrade. Click continue. You are done.I am happy to do this for you, but you may want to do it yourself so as to get experience with it. If you are available over skype, irc, Google Talk, etc. we can go through it there.