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Re: Login v1.0

I started a totally new installation, using hungarian language.
Here is the installation: http://pongraczistvan.homelinux.com/ledgersmb/

I only use the LSMB interface and I started to fill up with some data.


Fact: for Numbers (IDs of products, labor etc.) I can give the same
number for everything.
For example: I can give the same number for product, service, etc.
Req: all these numbers should be identical somehow.
Qestion: are there any reason, why the identical numbers are not
Solution: easyest way probably a checkbox somewhere, where I can
enable/disable the identical checking.
Option: using a new sequence for all kind of things with auto inkrement
is possible?
Example:  P000001 for product, S000001 for service, L000001 for labor,
Correction: I found, it has an auto increment option :) But checking
would be necessary.

Fact: I tried to add a new language: HUN / Magyar.
After I filled up the form, I click on the Save and I got this error
menu.pl:88: Unknown open() mode '<,' at bin/am.pl line 1530.
Reason: the original line is this:  
open( TEMP, '<,', "$myconfig{templates}/$file" ) 
must change to: 
open( TEMP, '<',"$myconfig{templates}/$file" ) 

Fact: in the SIC management form, if I use more than 6 chars as ID, I
got a database error.
Req: handling these kind of problems and give useful (human readable)
message to the user.
Sol: if possible, limit the size of the input box (I did not checked
that, if it is possible).
     And/or write some human-readable error messages, which suggests the
     Or give a framework to do this :)

Fact: in the Goods&Services - Reports - Requirements when I choose
months, I got this header:
  	Szám 	Szöveges leírás Project-Id-Version: LedgerSMB 1.2 MIME-Version:
1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding:
Is this a problem?

We started the evaluation of lsmb 1.2.7.
Soon I will import lot of existing data from an other system and we will
continue the evaluation.

I also start to read the manual :) before I send more stupid questions
to here :)

Some checks on the fields should be fine later.


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