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Re: GPL v3? Other license options?

Hi Josh;

I believe the discussion of if/when to migrate is a valid one.  I think questions of licenses which are not GPL v2 or v3 compatible are obviously out for reasons beyond those which you describe.  Most notably the translations are still owned by others so our work as a whole is *required* to be under the GPL v2 or v3 (this is not Dieter's code, BTW).

I also think that radical license change are politically unwise.  However, I see no reason legally why we cannot grant more permissions to code we write than the GPL requires.

My own view is that we should wait and see, but I am sufficiently unhappy with the GPL v3 that I would be willing to invest some time and energy reducing the need to upgrade the license.

Also, I don;t think that derivation is transitive (just because A is derivative of B and B is derivative of C does not mean that A is necessarily derivative of C-- for that to be the case, original components of C would still have to be present in A).  If we were to unwisely drop the translations, we would not be derivative of SL by 2.0.  However, I don't see us dropping translations so we are only free of derivation from Dietercode by 2.0.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers