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GPL v3? Other license options?

I have been trying to formulate my thinking about whether this project should upgrade the license to version 3 of the GNU GPL.  While I personally have some serious concerns over the terms and process of the GNU GPL v3, I don't think they apply to this project enough to rule out an upgrade to this specific version of the license.  Other, more pertenant concerns include the fact that the GNU GPL v2 is less complex than v3 and that I am not sure that the license compatibility issues of the GNU GPL v3 have fully been sorted out yet.

Personally, I think we should wait until there is a compelling reason to update the license.  I don't see such a reason at the moment.  I think that we may want to consider moving at such a time as we fin ourselves under patent threats, or where we want to use code under licenses compatible with the GPL v3 but not the GPL v2.  (There is some disagreement whether or not the Apache License 2.0 is compatible or not with the GPL v2.  In order to help ensure that we are on the safe side, I think we should assume that they are not.)

At the same time, I figured I would solicit feedback from the larger developer community.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers