On 01/30/2014 12:02 PM, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> That is: 1.3.36 doesn't have this issue on those versions.
> You could use PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher. The issue doesn't exist on those versions.
You are not happy with my production environment are you :)
I'm not happy with your SQL :)
The real problem is bad SQL (if a column is not in an aggregate it must be in the group by clause)
and that the the tarball and Centos 6 rpm for 1.3.36 are broken :(
Postgres 8.4 is the version on the Centos/RHEL 6.4 and 6.5 RPMs
Appending ' a.crdate,' to lines 971 and 1019 in LedgerSMB/AA.pm
fixes the issue and off to TST and STG it goes.
Your code was wonderful to work on, I was in and out in less than 5 minutes, thank you.
[root@web001 LedgerSMB]# grep -n a.crdate AA.pm
941 SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.crdate,
979 SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.crdate,
[root@web001 LedgerSMB]# vi AA.pm
[root@web001 LedgerSMB]# grep -n a.crdate AA.pm
941: SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.crdate,
971: GROUP BY a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.duedate, a.netamount, a.crdate,
979: SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.crdate,
1019: GROUP BY a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate, a.crdate,
Yes in as root, my bad
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