I'm planning to publish the add-on very
soon. I've added a "custom" subdirectory in which my Python-based
solutions reside. Perhaps the easiest way to publish is to add
them to SVN branch?
Thanks. Brian ![]() Brian Wolf
Phone: 410.367.2958
Email: ..hidden..
On Mon 2013-08-05 14:57 Brian Wolf <..hidden..> wrote:Our firm is hosting LedgerSMB for some clients and prepared to host more. Speaking of tying in, we've written a tie-in with Amazon that is in final stages of testing this week. It pulls sales orders from Amazon and adds them directly to LedgerSMB. That will save a huge amount of manual labor to (re-)enter them in LedgerSMB. We're looking at adding integration with other marketplaces such as Google and Overstock. We also plan to roll out very soon an integrated payment screen; it will perform the credit card transaction in just a few seconds, and add the payment transaction to LedgerSMB, too. These types of integrations can boost LedgerSMB's usefulness, prominence and marketability.Are these being submitted to the base system for distribution with LSMB? Especially the credit card add-on. If so, I have a new client who may be very interested in LSMB running on their own system in that case. They are definitely not interested in a hosted solution as I already proposed that. They do not need payroll and are currently just starting up so are not tied to any specific accounting software. I would have to see if they have a crusty accountant that is mired in some other software. If so, I will reach out and see if I can get their accountant on-board. Gene Alexander |
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