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LAN Setup

I need some help in seting LSMB to run on a household LAN. I have tried many 
attempts. Between locking up a computer and just reading way to much and 
getting confused, I decided I need some help. The senario I thought was quite 
simple, I have Debian (Sidux) box with LSMB installed and I would like the 
Windows Xp box to have assess to this information.

I believe /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf
should be setup like this

local   ledgersmb       all        	169.XXX.X.X             md5

DBname       = ledgersmb
DBhost       = localhost (does this need to be changed to 169.XXX.X.X )
DBport       = 5432
DBUserName   = ledgersmb

Do I need to change /etc/hosts

I am assuming apache2.2 needs to be modified, but I am at a loss to figuire 
that out.

I am positive that I have missed something else.

I am open to all suggestions or links

Many thanks