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Re: VAT Rate Change

On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 21:27 +0000, ..hidden.. wrote:
> D'oh.  Thought I had applied that...
> Ok, having applied the fix, I can now add a new tax rate.  I've just  
> generated an invoice, and it picked up the new rate. I think that's a  
> success. :)
> R

I've just tried this, assuming "apply" means run the SQl using

I've changed the old VAT(17.5) 2200 on the chart, set the valid date to
30th Nov and created a new tax 2201 VAT(15).

When I go to save the Tax page I get :

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""


INSERT INTO tax (chart_id, rate, taxnumber, validto, 
pass, taxmodule_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""

Any ideas?
