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Re: RoadMap Question

On 27 Jan 2008, at 18:32, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Chris Travers wrote:

Hmmmm......  I guess I would scale back that promise a little :-)

Most of the time when people speak of CRM they mean:

1)  Contact management plus categorization
2)  Comment tracking
3)  Task tracking (i.e. sales opportunities, etc)
4)  Appointment Tracking

1.3 will do the first two quite well.  It will not do everything that
people want from a "complete" CRM without some additional extensions to
the database.  I am sure these will come in the form of add-ons later
(any volunteers?) but they are not there now and there are no current
pkans to add scheduling and task tracking to the financial core of the
Well I can easily add the data structure for three and four.
The question is whether this is desirable.
Does LedgerSMB wish to compete with fully-functional CRMs?

Personally, all I would like is that LedgerSMB be able to get contact details from an LDAP database, or export its users using an LDAP interface.
For task & appointment tracking I use iCal on my notebook / desktop  
machines, and am likely to look at Apple's iCal server - which is  
free & open-source - in the near future. Unless you're planning an  
"Exchange killer" then I find appointment tracking to be an  
undesirable feature in Ledger SMB.