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Re: Locale-specific issues?

On 2/6/07, Charley Tiggs <..hidden..> wrote:
Chris Travers wrote:
> Now, we just need to figure out how to deal with the locale specific
> tax handling.  My suggestion is going to be to simply catalog those
> who want to be maintainers of locale-specific modules.  But we could
> bundle them if we have to (I am concerned about being responsible for
> new releases every time anyone changes a tax rule though).  Imagine a
> changelog for 1.2.1233: Updated tax rules for New Hampshire for June
> 15th change.

I'd like to request that one of the ways to deal with this is the
ability to pass a set tax rate in as a value through the API.  That
ways, if an external program already has this figured out, there's no
need for LSMB to handle/manage it.  Currently, you can't pass in the tax
rate via the API at all unless you set up taxes as a service, which
makes me a little uncomfortable but don't really have any other option.

1.2 has an ability to use loadable tax modules.  This allows one to
handle questions like "if I buy a muffin in a Toronto coffee shop, is
it taxable?" where the answer is "It depends on what else you buy."
The loadable tax modules have access to everything on the invoice.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers