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Re: postgresql settings in fedora 18?

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 4:33 AM, ario <..hidden..> wrote:
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:12:14 -0800
..hidden.. wrote:

> When I need to set up a postgresql and fedora VM I check out:
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Managing_Confined_Services/sect-Managing_Confined_Services-PostgreSQL-Configuration_Examples.html
> Is that what your looking for?

If it means that the ledgersmb database is stored
in /var/lib/pgsql/data, yes.

About the rest I can't be sure as I don't run F13.
Funny though, in the Qubes-OS F18's Selinux is disabled...
Further, there is no /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql

Also, in my setup the commands
echo $PGDATA
echo $PGLOG
return an empty string.
Does that mean there' s something wrong?

I understand there are 3 entities at work here:
1. httpd service
2. postgresql service
3. ledgersmb scripts somehow in between those.


In my setup it goes wrong when I connect to port 5432.
So, I was thinking, httpd would have to know what to do with port 5432.

Actually HTTP hands it off to LSMB which hands it off (indirectly) to the PostgreSQL client libraries, effectively.  It's slightly more complex than that, but that's a general idea.
I assume that would have to put in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ledgersmb.conf
which I assume it reads during its start.

Not really.  This is handled internally by LedgerSMB.

Well, apparently not, because there's no mention of 5432 in that file.
Another conf file then? None of them mentions what to do with a page
request on port 5432.

5432 is the default port.  If you want to change the port, you do it in the ledgersmb.conf in your ledgersmb directory (for example, /usr/local/ledgersmb/ledgersmb.conf).  The client libraries use 5432 if no other port is specified. 

I'm afraid this means I absolutely don't understand what's going on,
i.e. as a start, how httpd works.

5 min. introduction (probably better at the -devel list but oh well):

1.  httpd receives your browser's request.
2.  httpd hands it off to ledgersmb, either as a CGI script, or via FCGI.
3.  LedgerSMB connects to the db, does what you need it to and then disconnects.  It returns its output to httpd.
4.  httpd sends that output to your browser.

Time for the documentation, I guess...

I am wondering if there would be interest for entry level LedgerSMB courses, perhaps over Skype, or with video/screencasts with some extra one on one time.  It might be a good way to help provide a basic understanding of how everything works together, etc, allow for a little direct instruction, and the like. 
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

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