Thank you for writing. Your insights are a great help, particularly with my project due date approaching. >>I've now come to understand that my previous assumption is incorrect, right? (In other words: >>you're completely handling invoices within LSMB, just not manually?) Right. We pull XML data from another system, and then want to construct sales invoices in LedgerSMB programmatically. >>1. Do your invoices all have a single line?
If not, you will probably have
>>multiple acc_trans lines: one for each invoice line plus one to post on the asset account (AR) Some may have multiple lines. >>2. Do you use taxes? If so, you will
probably have another line per tax %
Right now there aren't taxes. But, laws may change requiring charging taxes online. >>3. Do you use foreign currencies? If so, you
need a number of extra "fx" lines in acc_trans.
>>although I'm not exactly sure how fx is supposed to work (I have hacked it, but I find it rather unintuitive, >>so I keep having to look it up again) Not using foreign currencies at this point, but good chance we will use them going forward. I appreciate your taking a look at it; I didn't follow fx at all. >> However, on the side of payments, you need to update the payments table as well. The best way to do that would be to use the >>Payment.sql:payment_bulk_post or Payment.sql:payment_post stored procedures. They do some complex FX calculations if required >>and keep the tables referentially in tact and update the required fields in multiple tables. Yes, payment is a missing piece. I'll take a look at the stored procedures. Thanks.
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