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Re: New Development Snapshot Available for LedgerSMB

See comments below.

On Fri, 2011-08-05 at 08:10 -0700, Chris Travers wrote:
> The database.  Note that for database errors we log the SQL state, the
> full SQL error message, etc.  You can pull out all db errors by
> grepping 'Logging SQL State' from your web server logs.  Also I doubt
> we will expose a lot of information to the user in an Access Denied
> error but we try to make it obvious to administrators what is going
> on.  Feedback for improving this is welcome.

Thanks Chris My Log entry::
[Sun Aug 07 17:11:35 2011] [error] [client] ERROR -
Logging SQL State 42501, error 7, string ERROR:  permission denied for
sequence file_base_id_seq, referer:

Changing the file_base_id_seq to allow UPDATE access for the group
"lsmb_jmits__file_attach_tx" allowed an upload.

Incidentally clicking Upload with empty "URL/File fields" on the Attach
File Form throws an "Internal Server Error". I presume this error should
be caught by some sort of validation  

> >
> if you think something would make the application less confusing we
> can at least talk about it.  Maybe we do things your way, and maybe in
> the discussion a better way comes up.  But either way the application
> benefits.
It would be really good if we could have mouse over context help on
every field in any form. (actually It would be good if the help was
attached to the fields text label)

Perhaps create a data dictionary table with the context help in it.
Specify program names, field names and then have a generic help code
that all forms call that can modify the client side code to make the
help available for users. (mouseOver or a clickable help icon with an
Ajax call to a popup windows).

Under System ==> Type of Business ==> Add Business

When you add a business then reopen it and try and change the type of
business field by clicking save the change doesn't stick.

Also selecting an existing business type and then clicking the save as
new button allows creation of a duplicate.

AR ==> Reports ==> Outstanding
If you run the AR Outstanding report with the defaults (Summary radio
set) the returned list doesn't have a clickable link to enable viewing
the sales invoice.

If you run the AR Outstanding report with the "Detail" radio set you
then get a clickable Invoice number and can view the Sales Invoice.