On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Del Miller <..hidden..> wrote:
Hello again,
How would one do a prepay type of thing with LSMB?
I have a customer who would like an invoice for $2000 today that will be
applied to future work. I can invoice him but as soon as the payment is
processed it will then show a zero balance due rather than a credit. I
could not invoice him and simply apply the payment as credit to his
account... but he needs an invoice. I could invoice, then delete the
invoice, then apply the payment -- but that just seems wrong. Is there
some other way that I'm missing?
Ok, the key question is exactly what your customer needs. You can
provide a receipt for a $2000 payment, but an invoice is supposed to
be issued when goods are delivered. Perhaps you should provide a
sales order with notes saying that $2000 has been pre-paid?
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
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