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Re: Towards ship-to-based sales-tax support

Chris Travers wrote:
Hi all;

I a know a lot of members of our community either have to deal with SSTI-based sales tax rules now or are going to next year (among other states, Washington is moving to that system). I am trying to scope out the requirements for supporting tax calculations based on the destination of the shipment, and I am trying to find the best way of handling this. Do people think that tracking tax rates per zip code is the way to go? Per city/state combination?

Please dont forget the far simpler case in the EU.

Roughly speaking if we ship into an EU country we charge VAT, if we ship outside then we don't...

There is one additional fly in that ointment which is that if they are an EU customer, but are a business which is VAT registered and we have the VAT number on file, then in that case we don't charge VAT, BUT we do have to make a note of all such sales and submit them at the end of the quarter (presumably there is a big jiggle goes on between all member states as they divvy up the net balance...)

Ed W