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Re: Great work... and a question

Thanks Chris.

Quoting Chris Travers <..hidden..>:

Don't worry about the interface.  We are working on getting it to the
point where the interface can be redesigned properly.
Heh, no problem.  It's not THAT bad, just a bit clunky in places.   
It's certainly usable.  Anyway, I will choose function over form any  
We are working on credit notes.  Expect them in 1.3.0

In the mean time, you may be able to handle it as a prepayment,
depending on your needs (against a different account, naturally).
When do you expect 1.3.0 to be unleashed on the world?  I think that  
the only thing I really need to see is the receiving and issuing of  
credit notes.  Our FY ends 31st August, so it would be nice to start  
the new FY with a new system if I can.
I'm not a perl programmer (if I had my way, everything would be  
written in FORTRAN) but I'll be happy to help in any way I can, with  
testing and the like.  What the open source world needs is a good  
financials package.  My particular skills are project management,  
compilers and Oracle, if you can make use of any of them.  I also make  

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