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Re: installation error on SuSE 10.1

Just a couple of updates :-)  We have changed a few things to make
this process easier for the moment.

On 9/22/06, Alejandro Imass <..hidden..> wrote:

Don't use that script IMHO.

Here is a recipe I use:

1) Make sure you have the plpgsql lang installed in your template1 db
(man createlang)

LedgerSMB as of 1.1 will try to create plpgsql in your current data
set when you create it.  No need to createlang any more :-)  This also
avoids screwing up pg_dump (which takes its diff from template0).

2) Make sure that your pg_hba.conf will ask for a password. See
PostgreSql doc.

There is no reason not to use MD5 here.  We added that to the
documentation.  SL is still trying to support pre-7.3 so he won't
support MD5 (and besides he points to OLD win32 DBD::Pg drivers).  Our
Faq is updated to allow all users including those on Windows to use
MD5 authentication.

3) create a db user with password (ledgersmb would be a nice name): as
postgres (su - postgres) createuser ledgersmb -P . You must test that
ledgersmb can login to template1 by doing psql -U ledgersmb -W it sould
as for a password and let you in. If not, recheck your pg_hba.conf and
restart postgresql for testing.

As of LSMB 1.1, you can create the dataset and add the language with a
superuser first, or you can specify a separate superuser account to
use for the database/language creation :-).

4) Untar the program in your web directory. Don't know where SuSe has it
but I think it's LSB so it should be in /var/www . To make sure, look at
your apache conf. Make sure you change the ownership of these file to
your web daemon's name (chown -R www-data.www-data yourledgesmbdir).

You can do this, but I prefer run it outside the web directory (like
/usr/local/ledger-smb) with the alias directive.

5) Configure your httpd.conf file or site file (apache2) and make sure
you have perl cgi handler and adequate permisions. Here is an example

AddHandler cgi-script .pl
Alias /whatever /var/www/yourledgesmbdir

If you are running in your web directory, you don't need the line above :-).

<Directory /var/www/yourledgesmbdir>
        Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks
        DirectoryIndex login.pl
        Order allow,deny
        #Allow from ::1/128
        Allow from all
<Directory /var/www/yourledgesmbdir/users>
        Options None

Don't forget to add:
          Order deny,allow
          Deny from all

This will prevent people from downloading your users' encrypted
passwords, database passwords (unencrypted), etc.
