As part of a change that I'm implementing for LedgerSMB 1.2/1.3 migrations (to 1.5/1.6), I'd like to create a number of LedgerSMB database dumps for the purpose of testing those migrations.
I'm thinking that these schema files, if the scope of the tests is expanded to SL 2.8, 3.0 and 3.2, as well as tests including some *real* and *problematic* data, the test data set may become largish or even plain large (multiple MBs to multiple 10s of MBs).
While the test data sets *are* core to testing the software during development (and as part of the Continuous Integration efforts run on Travis CI), I think that putting these in each and every repository that's being cloned around the world is probably a bad idea: many of those will never be used for testing (instead they'll be used for tracking customized versions).