Might be worth listing what capabilities the superuser needs. it it just createdb, createrole, and login?As discussed on IRC, I'd send you instructions how to run the BDD tests on master.The Perl prerequisites are easy: those get installed using "cpan --install-deps ." or "./Makefile.PL && make". Additionally, you need to have a copy of PhantomJS running. I downloaded my copy for 1.9.8 here: https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/. Then you have to have a PostgreSQL cluster installed for use with LedgerSMB, with a superuser which can log in using a password.
This looks like a candidate for a script that starts up a tmux session with each required command in a separate window.master$ PGUSER=<your-super-user> PGPASSWORD=<your-superuser-password> LSMB_BASE_URL="http://localhost:5000" pherkin t/66-cucumber/01-basic/and in yet a different window:master$ starman tools/starman.psgiAnd in a different window:You need to get all the services running with these steps:$ phantomjs --webdriver=4422
(I don't recommend screen anymore as it is essentially unmaintained while tmux is actively maintained and is *almost* the same as screen)
I'll see if I can whip that up shortly.
Rather than post testing hooks for this, I think they should actually be pre-testing hooks.The pherkin command creates a user "the-user" and a database "non-existant" in your cluster. If you want to repeat the pherkin command, please make sure to delete these entities before doing so.
Note: of course this is due to be improved, however, at the moment this is what's there. (I'm working on a PR for Test::BDD::Cucumber to allow post-testing hooks/triggers which we could use to delete the roles and databases created during a test-run.
That way the database and user stay available for manual investigation post test.
Perhaps if all tests pass a post-test hook could remove them, but either way, if they exist, a pre-test hook should remove them.
The existence of the user and DB created shouldn't present as a problem for normal systems as long as the tests drop them before running so they can probably hang about for ever.
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