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Running BDD tests (on 'master')

Hi David,

As discussed on IRC, I'd send you instructions how to run the BDD tests on master.

The Perl prerequisites are easy: those get installed using "cpan --install-deps ." or "./Makefile.PL && make". Additionally, you need to have a copy of PhantomJS running. I downloaded my copy for 1.9.8 here: https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/. Then you have to have a PostgreSQL cluster installed for use with LedgerSMB, with a superuser which can log in using a password.

You need to get all the services running with these steps:

 $ phantomjs --webdriver=4422

And in a different window:

 master$ starman tools/starman.psgi

and in yet a different window:

 master$ PGUSER=<your-super-user> PGPASSWORD=<your-superuser-password> LSMB_BASE_URL="http://localhost:5000" pherkin t/66-cucumber/01-basic/

The pherkin command creates a user "the-user" and a database "non-existant" in your cluster. If you want to repeat the pherkin command, please make sure to delete these entities before doing so.

Note: of course this is due to be improved, however, at the moment this is what's there. (I'm working on a PR for Test::BDD::Cucumber to allow post-testing hooks/triggers which we could use to delete the roles and databases created during a test-run.



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