In installing 1.4 from the svn, I ran into some confusion about the preferred (or any) method for creating the company database and populating it with the initial default users.
I tried running and pointing it at a blank database, but it reported "unknown database". Next I ran Pg-database.sql on that database, and things looked much better. It got to the next stage and asked me if I wanted to update my LSMB install, and I said yes and it happily went and did that.
However, when I tried the Add User button I got a crash.
I went back out and tried to log in with the default users, and also got a crash, in apache log it reported that my user ledgersmb did not exist. I believe "admin" reported bad login, instead of crashing, which is odd because when I checked in the database there were no users at all.
So I dug into I haven't been able to actually run the script yet, I am confused about the contrib directory - using Pg 9.1, do I still have one? It seemed in some of the notes like that was no longer an present (?) and I can't find any of the files on my system which are supposed to be in there.
But I did find the admin__save__user function at the end of that script, and tried it in my database, and got what looked like positive results - user created, no errors returned, looking happy.Any feedback would be appreciated!
However, no matter what users / passwords I create here, invariably returns "bad login". I can't find the table that has the actual password hash, but the rest of the user info appears to have been inserted correctly.