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Report from MYGOSSCON

Hi all;

I just got back from a very successful time at MYGOSSCON and now am
beginning the slow process of following up with many of the extremely
interesting people we met.  Our presence at the conference was a
greater success than I had dreamed it could be.  I was promoting both
PostgreSQL and LedgerSMB, and while the former certainly got more
focus, the latter was also extremely successful as well.  PostgreSQL
is alive, well, and very strong in Malaysia especially in the
government sector and I felt that Oracle was largely there to defend
the turf of their flagship db and also of MySQL.  In contrast
Enterprise DB, several EnterpriseDB resellers, and me (pushing vanilla
PostgreSQL) were there on the Pg side.

LedgerSMB has to date had very little market penetration that I know
of in South-East Asia but I expect that is about to change.  We made
contacts who are interested perhaps in maintaining Chinese language
translations (useful for business owners among the Chinese diaspora in
South-East Asia), hosting partners, and far more.   Hopefully we will
see more activity from over here in the near future!

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers