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Re: upgrade 1.2.21 -> 1.3.0 svn revision 3807 == Almost

We're doing a remodeling project so I got pulled away to go shopping for 
Anyway, screen shot attached.

On Sat, 8 Oct 2011, Chris Travers wrote:

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:43 AM,  <..hidden..> wrote:

On Sat, 8 Oct 2011, ..hidden.. wrote:

Suggesting that simply flipping 1.2.99 to 1.3.0 after 1.2-1.3-manual.sql
is not enough.

remembering that Chris had told me at one point
The reason it is in there is because we import defaults from the 1.2 db.
Also, you will be better on most recent svn because you can just cd to
sql/modules after and run sh reload_modules.sh [dbname]
i hasten'd to sql/modules

(Where reading reload_modules.sh it dawned on me that the
dbname==COMPANY, so dbname of lsmb13 is not a good choice).

after reload_modules. i log into 1.3-- but it has nothing but a logo and
Logged into lsmb13
Not sure what you mean by this.  I am running one further test with
the setup.pl on most recent svn on my db (started with SL 2.2 and
continuously upgraded to 1.2).

Are you able to see your transactions?

Best wishes,
Chris Travers

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