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Re: Getting Started

On 23/03/2011 14:24, Lyle wrote:
Looks like the first thing I'll be doing is getting LedgerSMB to work under Windows/IIS7 (if it's possible, I'll have to check the deps). I suspect this'll mean editing a few files, so don't want to have to redo anything in a different branch or what not.

Made some progress here. Scripts accessed directly through the browser need:

    use FindBin qw ($RealBin $RealScript);
    use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
    chdir $RealBin;
    $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} =~ s/\\/\//g;

Added to the top. IIS doesn't execute CGI scripts in their home folder, so you need to set it explicitly. Also ENV varies and it has a habbit or directing STDERR to STDOUT which causes problems with the headers.

I've been working on trunk. Fixed another couple of bugs to get initiate.pl working, found my contrib folder and copied the files across... I had to add the Postgres bin folder to my path... Now most of the SQL files loads, but the chart General.sql gives a load of errors, as does all the roles statements.

Not sure if I'm following the right install process, there seem to be several readme and install files in trunk, each with different install guides :/
