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Re: New to list + SMTP authentication when sending email

According to (RFC 4409 I think)  a email sent from a domain other than the 
business own true domain is now technically spam.

Currently the design intent of Ledgersmb is to support multiple businesses in 
its DB hence one install of code supports several different businesses.
Each business has a unique DB different from the ledgersmb admin Db. Each 
business has a "defaults table". Mail prefs should be stored there.

There is one user apache on the linux system running ledgersmb and sending 
Each company using the ledgersmb system has a unique website/mail solution 
that is not in the same domain or network as the Ledgersmb server.

Most businesses have dedicated mail servers they rent or maintain themselves.
It is more practical security to have the accounting server in the office and 
not share with the mail server in a data canter.
Also some mail providers flag mail from DSL lines as spam.

I think to send out the most professional looking invoices and such Ledgersmb 
should act as a email client, and have the option send mail to a smtp host on 
port 587.  That way each business can send from there own email server.

The patch we are talking about is really small, I tried this in Mailer.pm:

   if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::smtphost} ) {
        if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::smtpauthmethod} ){
            $smtp = Net::SMTP::TLS->new( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::smtphost},

            $smtp->datasend( $msg->as_string() );

            return $!;
/end code

Net::SMTP::TLS does not have the auth function that Ryans patch was using.
I am not sure what "Net::SMTP::TLS->" should point to.
It seems like the option is new.
Assuming you have installed Net::SMTP::TLS from cpan.

Thanks for all the comments.
