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Re: Looking for the missing taxes

At work on a module, LedgerSMB::API and the ->create_new_order method
seems to be working in all respects except that the taxes keep coming
up missing.

Anyone care to jump in and offer what they've learned is welcome to
take a look at: 

svn co https://ledgersmb-oscom.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ledgersmb-oscom/trunk/LedgerSMB-API


Anyway, below is my original issue statement related to these missing
taxes.  But now I'm more confused than ever.  I tried creating this
order through the web interface and no tax is added to netamount to
yield amount in the oe table.  

So I set taxaccounts and taxaccounts_1 both to '' in the $fields
hashref I sent and while I don't know why the taxes are not being
assessed or what is happening to them when they are, at least the
result of my script seems consistent with the result of using the
application through the browser.

I'd prefer it if they waited till they were collected before they went
missing, on someone else's watch as it were.  Actually, I'd probably
prefer if they not go missing down some immoral quagmire like my own
countries' deeds, but that is a bit off-topic, here.  

-- Hugh 

On Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:07:54 -0500
Hugh Esco <..hidden..> wrote
earlier to the users list and more recently to here:

> I have a test set of accounts.
> They have a single part, and three assemblies made up of those parts.  
> Both the part and each of the assemblies include:
>      Tax X 2150--Sales Tax  
> in their configuration.
> For each of these items this table reads:
> ymd_lsmb=# select * from partstax;
>  parts_id | chart_id | taxcategory_id
> ----------+----------+----------------
>     10121 |    10103 |
> When I create a sales order, the oe table includes: 
> amount $104.95, netamount $99.95.
> But, the tax is not reflected in the browser on either the sales order
> or on the invoice.  What might it be that I am missing here?
> -- Hugh Esco