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Re: newbie notes 1: getting started

| From: D. Hugh Redelmeier <..hidden..>

|     Error!
|     LedgerSMB/User.pm:199: FATAL: database "host=localhost" does not exist

On #ledgersmb IRC channel today:

<goo>	I am trying to get ledgersmb 1.2 up and running, but I am only
	greeted with LedgerSMB/User.pm:199: FATAL: database "host=localhost"
	does not exist upon logon. Any ideas?

<goo>	nevermind. 

<DHR>	goo: what was the solution to your FATAL problem?

<goo> 	DHR: I was being stupid, tried logging in directly with admin
	instead of creating a database, running Pg-database.sql on it
	and then go to admin.pl and attach a user to that database

<goo>	got it up and working now

<DHR>	I ask because I got that message too (I mention this at the end
	of a post to the dev list I made this morning)

<goo>	DHR: ok.  The problem is that the algorithm that makes the
	database connection string in User.pm does no error checking
	what so ever and just makes a connection string that is doomed
	to fail. The easy fix is not add parameters that are empty to
	the connection string

<goo>	or give them sensible defaults, at least.