On Jan 3, 2008 4:22 AM, Carl Davis <
..hidden..> wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 10:57:33 -0800
"Chris Travers" <
..hidden..> wrote:
> Yes.
> It seems to me that we would need to get more information about Billmax and
> how the data is stored in that program before we could offer any concrete
> suggestions. How do you want this to work?
Billmax stores everything in a mysql database. I have already exported
a csv file of my current customers from billmax and imported into
ledger-smb using mypgadmin. I imported the Billmax customer number into
the customer number field of ledger-smb
Ok. That works.
Just as a quick note, once 1.3 comes out, the customer import will need to be done a little differently.
Billmax uses a payhist table which has all credits, payments, and
charges to accounts (it has other info there but we don't use it or I
can do manually). Up until the last day of the month one can edit the
items in the payhist table, after that they are not to be edited, so
I suspect that my best course of action is to export last months Billmax
data on the first of every month.
I guess my question at this point is (unless I am missing something?)
when I export three columns into three respective csv files:
for charges - amount, account number and description
for payments - amount, account number and description
for credits - amount, account number and description
how and where do I import that into ledger-smb linking the billmax
account number to the ledger customernumber?
Ok. Here are the tables you are going to have to hit:
ar: This represents the transaction where the customer is charged. customer_id links to
customer.id in 1.2.x.
acc_trans: this represents the line items in the accounting transaction. You will need 2 entries here for a charge, and another 2 for a payment. chart_id links to
chart.id, trans_id links (in this case) to
ar.id. Do you need help determining these records and what accounts they need to hit?
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers