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Re: Rehash: LedgerSMB Wiki

Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> Trac is certainly not competitive as a Wiki for major end-user
>> documentation projects. But for developers, as discussed here
>> previously, (IMO) Trac would be a huge boost to creating an active
>> LedgerSMB developer-tester community. Sourceforge's issue tracker is
>> almost a disincentive to closely evaluate the status of LedgerSMB.
> The only thing stopping this is the willingness to move the svn/tickets
> etc.. off of sourceforge. We have plenty of hosting resources it is just
> a matter of -core being willing to push away from sourceforge.

Would http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/trunk/contrib/sourceforge2trac.py
perform the migration sufficiently well?

Chris Travers wrote:
> We talked about that. While we are interested in Trac, we have other
> priorities that are in the works that are higher on the list. I would
> not expect it in the near future but perhaps sometime down the road.

Not having information on the other priorities, that may be the case. But I
will say this; Trac would likely be the biggest multiplier of your community,
and its involvement in submitting patches and testing or maintaining branches.

Through a combination of the core committers using
http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/trunk/contrib/trac-post-commit-hook style
ticket references, and the Trac timeline view, I would think that almost every
LedgerSMB user could become involved (or at least interested in) the progress
of their target branch or pet feature/bug.

It seems (to me) worthwhile to pause things for a few days to get Trac up and
running sooner, if it is eventually to be used. I've certainly found Trac worth
the time to set up for my own small projects. 

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