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Re: Proposal: New web site maintainers

On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 11:00 -0700, John Locke wrote:
> Hello,

> One other potential reason to move: the power tools for managing Drupal 
> (drush being the main one) now depend on relatively recent versions of 
> PHP -- at least PHP 5.2. Your server's reporting 5.1.6. That can mean 
> the difference between 45 minutes doing an update, or 45 seconds. (and 
> yet many Drupal modules are only now becoming compatible with PHP 5.3...)

Upgrading to 5.2 is a simple yum update and I certainly not opposed to

> > 3. A small www team to help manage content and keep the website up to
> > date.
> >
> > This is the part that we need to community help on.
> >
> >    
> It does sound like there are several people on the list volunteering to 
> help, we just need access and to agree on some guidelines.
> What's next?

Let me talk with the rest of core.

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