On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
<..hidden..> wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I am running 1.3.19 and there are a couple of issues with the template
that I'd like to see addressed. One is pretty important, one, not so
important. I'm looking at the latex template.
OK, looks like several issues:
1) my business number does not appear to be showing up.
I don't believe that's set up as part of the template. if you need it, there are a few ways we could help.
2) it doesn't show the % rate that taxes are applied
I will double check this.
3) the address is all one line, I'd like to break it to multiple lines
You are talking about your business address? Or the customer's?
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers