Hello Chris,
thanks for your reply !
Use the setup.pl.
Enter the company and postgresql superuser/password authentication
fields. The company is your database name.
It should detect 1.2 and ask if you want to upgrade. Say yes and
I have done the setup.pl as I explain in my first message in this
thread :
I choose to upgrade my database, but it seems that i can't go
further, I 'm blocked on a step where it asks me to "save and retry"
showing me a form
where I see all the parts with only the partnumber column that I can
modify. Even if I put all the partnumber to 1 and click to "Save and
retry" the form reload
again and so forth... Something I have to mention is that I'm a french
user and some of my parts description have accent that are not well
I have strange characters like "@A" at the place of the accents. How
can I finish the upgrade process ?
Best regards