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Re: Sizes of companies using LSMB
- Subject: Re: Sizes of companies using LSMB
- From: Chris Bennett <..hidden..>
- Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 17:16:26 -0500
Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a listing (formal or informal) of sizes and types of businesses
using LSMB?
A friend (and a fellow small business computer person) and I are looking
to expand the usage of LSMB. One of the first questions we're trying to
field is what sizes and types of business are using LSMB. I believe the
United States "Small Business Administration (SBA) classify small as
being less than 500 employees. Can anyone beat that? :-)
Anyone willing/able to share the size of their company and how LSMB is
being used? And those that provide LSMB support and can share please also.
We're not, at this time, looking for names just some general information.
My business definitely doesn't meet the cruel 500 employee mark!
I think the correct term is "micro-business"
This year has been the worst I've seen since I started up about 12 years
I had a seizure in March which made things even worse --Maybe or maybe not!
I dislocated a shoulder and suffered badly from the various drugs the
doctors tried (until the latest).
But, I have no control over the economy. This "tragic" event may have
been a blessing.
Since I couldn't work well and also didn't get much work anyway, I spent
the past couple of months learning a lot of PostgreSQL and mod_perl
Admittedly, mod_perl isn't relevant to LSMB directly but it teaches one
to program perl perfectly, or else!
After looking at MySQL and PostgreSQL, I now completely understand why
only PostgreSQL is supported by LSMB.
PostgreSQL is tougher to learn but does all those things you need to do,
and pretty well!
My skills are now approaching a level where I may be able to offer some
technical help with LSMB.
As far as my opinion in general, I found that LedgerSMB was pretty much
the one and only accounting program that met my simple but essential needs:
1. Open Source.
2. Written in a language I could follow - Perl.
3. Face the Facts, Open Source is Free. (and we can offer up changes to
meet our own personal needs!)
I just don't have a big enough income to pay a yearly fee to follow the
flock with proprietary software.
I left that world a few years ago and I have no regrets.
Chris Bennett
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-- Robert Heinlein