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Re: Looking for the missing taxes

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Hugh Esco <..hidden..> wrote:
> I have a test set of accounts.
> They have a single part, and three assemblies made up of those parts.
> Both the part and each of the assemblies include:
>     Tax X 2150--Sales Tax
> in their configuration.
> For each of these items this table reads:
> ymd_lsmb=# select * from partstax;
>  parts_id | chart_id | taxcategory_id
> ----------+----------+----------------
>    10121 |    10103 |
> When I create a sales order, the oe table includes:
> amount $104.95, netamount $99.95.

When you click "update" does the problem go away?  If so I just got a
patch for a similar issue.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers