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Re: Trial Balance not balanced :-(

Thanks for the quick response Chris!

> For an unbalanced trial balance, this is an area where paid support is
> often helpful (I can log into your db, run some analysis scripts,
> determine what the problem is, and get things back on track much more
> quickly than one can with the email lists).  Also, the key issue is
> ensuring that the cause of the imbalance is properly determined and
> corrected so that it doesn't happen again.  I would highly recommend
> buying support from someone who knows the software and database
> structure to correct this problem.

I'm fairly confident I know the reason the database got out of sync in the first
place (see e-mail to you direct) so I'm not too worried on that front.  More
interested in learning a little more about the data model and how I go about
tracking down the specific transactions that are in error.

That said if it means a quick result then paid support may well be the
best option.

> Having given the above two disclaimers:
> 1)  Is this an upgrade from sql-ledger?

No it's a new install..  (after trying and not liking sql-ledger :-) )

> 2) Have you had this problem before?

I only started using ledgerSMB this financial year so it hasn't.. (and it's
not happening in my other companies ledgerSMB database)

> 3)  How big of a difference are we talking about?

$385.13 - so not huge..

> Also:  Can you run the following from the psql prompt:
> \d acc_trans
> and send the output to the list?

appstech=# \d acc_trans
                                Table "public.acc_trans"
     Column     |  Type   |                          Modifiers                                                                                              
----------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------                                                                             ---------
 trans_id       | integer |
 chart_id       | integer | not null
 amount         | numeric |
 transdate      | date    | default ('now'::text)::date
 source         | text    |
 cleared        | boolean | default false
 fx_transaction | boolean | default false
 project_id     | integer |
 memo           | text    |
 invoice_id     | integer |
 entry_id       | integer | not null default nextval('acc_trans_entry_id_seq'::r                                                                             egclass)
    "acc_trans_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (entry_id)
    "acc_trans_chart_id_key" btree (chart_id)
    "acc_trans_source_key" btree (lower(source))
    "acc_trans_trans_id_key" btree (trans_id)
    "acc_trans_transdate_key" btree (transdate)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "acc_trans_chart_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (chart_id) REFERENCES chart(id)

> If you answer these questions I will send you some SQL queries to look
> into possible problems.

Thanks again for your help..
