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Error message fresh install of 1.2.13

*When entering the POS area I get this error.

This is on a Ubuntu 8.04, pg 8.3 box.

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer
LINE 27: AND a.till = 25
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.


SELECT a.id, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate,
a.duedate, a.netamount, a.amount, (a.paid) AS paid,
a.invoice, a.datepaid, a.terms, a.notes,
a.shipvia, a.shippingpoint, e.name AS employee,
a.customer_id, a.till, m.name AS manager, a.curr,
ex.buy AS exchangerate,
d.description AS department,
, c.accno, ac.source,
pr.projectnumber, ac.memo AS description,
ac.amount AS linetotal,
i.description AS linedescription
FROM ar a
JOIN customer vc ON (a.customer_id = vc.id)
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (a.employee_id = e.id)
LEFT JOIN employee m ON (e.managerid = m.id)
LEFT JOIN exchangerate ex ON (ex.curr = a.curr
AND ex.transdate = a.transdate)
LEFT JOIN department d ON (a.department_id = d.id)

JOIN acc_trans ac ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
LEFT JOIN project pr ON (pr.id = ac.project_id)
LEFT JOIN invoice i ON (i.id = ac.invoice_id)WHERE 1 = 1 AND a.employee_id = '10215' AND a.amount != a.paid AND a.invoice = '1'
AND a.till = 25
ORDER BY 4 ASC,2,16,15
ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer
LINE 27: AND a.till = 25
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. *