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Re: LedgerSMB 1.2.13 released

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 6:15 AM, M Lubratt <..hidden..> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Chris Travers <..hidden..> wrote:
Hi all;

LedgerSMB 1.2.13 has been released.  This release corrects all known issues with running LedgerSMB 1.2.x on PostgreSQL 8.3 and although other issues may surface, we will fix those as they are brought to our attention.

Does this mean that 1.2.13 is the minimum version to that runs on PostgreSQL 8.3?  I'm running 1.1.12 (waiting for 1.3.0).

With 1.2.x prior to 1.2.13, if you try to run it on PostgreSQL 8.3, you won't be able to do *anything* because the session management big is incomptible with PostgreSQL 8.3.  THere are some other issues also that we came across and fixed as well relating to the structure of the defaults table.  Any other issues with PostgreSQL 8.3 are likely to affect LedgerSMB 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 equally.

Because the removal of implicit casts from PostgreSQL 8.3 is a fundamental change in behavior there is no guarantee that any version of LedgerSMB will work flawlessly on it.  1.2.13 fixes every problem which has been reported to us but other problems may surface.  My advice would be to install it against a copy of your production data and then run some tests of the areas of the application you use. 

To explain the problem:  Consider the SQL _expression_:
current_date < 2043-12-31
In PostgreQL 8.2 or earlier this evaluates as now()::date::text < 2000::text (2043 - 12 - 31 = 2000) which is probably not what you would expect.
PostgreSQL 8.3 will raise an error about no operator found.
However, this also means that things like:  md5(random()) don't work because there is no md5() function for real numbers. (we have to use md5(random()::text) instead)

If someone in the community wants to do some detailed QA relating to PostgreSQL 8.3, this would be welcomed.  Reviewing the release notes, I didn't see anything that made me concerned that 1.2.x would have more than casting issues, however, if major issues arise, bear in mind that they may be beyond what we can approach in a stable release.

In short, at the moment, you would do well to do some testing before putting LSMB on Pg 8.3 into a production environment.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers