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Re: AR screen bugs?

On 8/27/07, David Tangye <..hidden..> wrote:
Hi anyone,

Are there any known problems with the AR entry screen? At present I am seeing two problems:

 1. not getting the invoice number to generate correctly. It keeps loading '1' instead of 88002 ... etc for each new AR transaction.

Weird.  I have never seen this behavior and I do a lot of invoices.

The defaults table is:
=> select * from defaults where setting_key = 'sinumber';
 setting_key | value
 sinumber    | 88001
(1 row)

The tax table is
=> select * from tax;
 chart_id | rate | taxnumber | validto | pass | taxmodule_id
    10029 |  0.1 |           |         |    1 |            1
    10030 |  0.1 |           |         |    1 |            1
(2 rows)

What is this new taxmodule thing all about?

Some countries or provinces have funny tax rules.  In some places, or example, whether an item is taxable depends on what else you buy (I wish I were kidding).  So we came up with the idea of tax modules which could calculate taxes based on all information in the invoice.  Currently only 'simple' is supported.

The customertax table is
=> select * from customertax;
 customer_id | chart_id
       10167 |    10029
       10171 |    10029 ... (etc, so its showing the correct chart id)

 2. not getting any tax to show nor calculate/recalculate, except I think that adding the very first AR record worked OK. If so, this definitely sounds like a programming bug.

AR/Transactions are not supposed to autocalculate taxes.  The reason is that you don't have enough information to know how much of a given line item is taxable.  You either need to enter by hand or else use the sales invoice screen.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers