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Re: AP Invoice Entry Error

Lana Brummett wrote:
My husband just looked at the query and made the following change:

# diff LedgerSMB/Form.pm.orig LedgerSMB/Form.pm
 >     my $id_field = ( $vc eq 'customer' ) ? 'customer_id' : 'vendor_id';
< WHERE ct.id <http://ct.id> = (select customer_id from $arap where $where AND ${vc}_id IS NOT NULL order by id DESC limit 1)|;
> WHERE ct.id <http://ct.id> = (select $id_field from $arap where $where AND ${vc}_id IS NOT NULL order by id DESC limit 1)|;
Was this the right thing to change or will this mess up something 
somewhere else?  It seems to have fixed my problem but I just want to 
make sure that it will post right and that nothing else will break.
Yes. This is actually fixed in the upcoming 1.2.6.

Joshua D. Drake

THanks again!

On 6/7/07, *Lana Brummett* <..hidden.. <mailto:..hidden..>> wrote:
    We just switched over from sql-ledger 2.6.12 and we installed
    ledgersmb 1.2.5 and I am trying to enter a vendor
    invoice for the first time.  I get this error:

    *DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: column "customer_id" does not
    exist at character 189


    SELECT ct.name <http://ct.name> AS vendor, ct.curr AS currency,
    ct.id <http://ct.id> AS vendor_id,
    current_date + ct.terms AS duedate,
    ct.notes ,
    ct.curr AS currency
    FROM vendor ct
    WHERE ct.id <http://ct.id> = (select customer_id from ap where 1 = 1
    AND vendor_id IS NOT NULL order by id DESC limit 1)
    ERROR: column "customer_id" does not exist at character 189

    It looks to me like it should be saying "select vendor_id" and not
    "select customer_id" but I can't see where this needs to be
    changed.  Any help would be appreciated!

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