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Ubuntu server on a home network with Apache; PostgreSQL; LedgerSMB -- newbie Step by Step

Ubuntu server on a home network with Apache; PostgreSQL; LedgerSMB -- newbie Step by Step

The objective is to use an old unused computer as the business computer which will hold the accounting database. LedgerSMB along with PostgreSQL will allow more than one user the access to the accounting software from anywhere on the network.

Although computer literate, I don't make a living at it... so by the time I learned anything it's obsolete. Command prompts were something I used a long time ago under MS-DOS. Linux is new to me, so the following steps are what made it work on my system. There may be better and easier ways to achieve the same, so if you can help improve this process, please do so. If someone somewhere can use this to setup their own configuration, then the 5 or 6 days of banging my head against the monitor and the few swear words will have more value.
Good Luck

Farmer Dave, a Linux newbie

Ubuntu Server
Download and burn on CD Ubuntu's server edition; in this case version 6.10
Make sure the computer is properly hooked up to the router.
Start your computer and configure your Bios to boot on the CD-ROM
If it will not boot using CD-ROM... use Smart Boot Manager. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto 
in my case it would still not boot, so I replaced the CD-ROM with the same one I used to burn the CD.

Ubuntu's menu will appear; Select Install to the hard disk
I get an error " [42949372.960000] ACPI:Unable to locate RSDP " and ignore it.
Since I only have 64MB of memory, the install will enter a low memory mode.
Answer to prompts.

At the 'Partition disks' menu, I choose to erase entire disk
At the 'Ubuntu software selection' I choose DNS server. 

If new to Linux, check out "An introduction to the Linux command line" at http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html 
To get an idea of what the directories are for, check out "Linux's directory structure" at http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html 

Install Apache

	$ sudo apt-get update
	$ sudo apt-get install apache2
I get the response " could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName "

If I enter in my favorite browser on any other computer on the network, I will reach the apache2-default directory. Try replacing 102 with 102, 103, 104, etc if no connection is established.

Various utilities
Install C-compiler and other libraries

	$ apt-get install build-essential
	$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.1 /bin/gcc
	$ sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev
	$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Install PostgreSQL. Here I'm using version 8.1.5; change accordingly for newer version and/or another mirror.

	$ sudo mkdir /usr/temp
	$ cd /usr/temp
	$ sudo wget ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v8.1.5/postgresql-8.1.5.tar.gz  
	$ sudo gunzip postgresql-8.1.5.tar.gz
	$ cd /usr/src
	$ sudo tar xf /usr/temp/postgresql-8.1.5.tar

	$ cd postgresql-8.1.5
	$ sudo ./configure

	$ sudo make
	$ sudo make install-strip
	$ sudo make clean
	$ sudo /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/pgsql/lib
	$ PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
	$ export PATH
	$ MANPATH=/usr/local/pgsql/man:$MANPATH
	$ export MANPATH

create os user & initialize db cluster
	$ adduser postgres
enter a password of your liking << postgrespassword >>

	$ sudo su
	$ mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
	$ chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
	$ su postgres
	$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
	$ exit
	$ exit

set-up an auto-start at login script
	$ sudo cp /usr/src/postgresql-8.1.5/contrib/start-scripts/linux /etc/init.d/postgresql.sh
	$ sudo chmod 755 postresql.sh
	$ sudo update-rc.d postgresql.sh defaults
	$ exit

reboot computer

	$ sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb testdb

if postgresql install was succesful, you should have a response "CREATE DATABASE"

	$ sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/bin/dropdb testdb

to delete the database

Install CPAN

	$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell

if it's the first ime CPAN is used, an initial configuration questionnaire is launched. Otherwise enter the following if you wish to redo the questionnaire. 

	cpan> o conf init

The default answer is probably appropriate most times.
Since I want to save space, I won't be keeping the source files.
Parameters for the 'make' command? --> "CC=gcc"
Parameters for the 'make install' command? --> "CC=gcc"

type q to exit the shell
when I ran the shell again... sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell  ... I was asked again to do the inititial confiuration again! which I redid.

	cpan> install HTML::LinkExtor
	cpan> q

Install Ledger SMB. Here I'm using version 1.1.1d; change accordingly for newer version and/or another mirror.

	$ cd /usr/temp
	$ sudo wget http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ledger-smb/ledger-smb-1.1.1d.tar.gz 
	$ sudo gunzip ledger-smb-1.1.1d.tar.gz
	$ cd /usr/src
	$ sudo tar xf /usr/temp/ledger-smb-1.1.1d.tar
	$ cd ledger-smb

	$ sudo perl -w setup.pl

it will try to install DBI and DBD::Pg package if not already done

Create a regular Postgres user. Carefull with the case of the parameters when typing the commands... "-d" is not the same as "-D".

	$ sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser -S -d -R -P ledger-smb

Enter password for new "ledger-smb" role just created:	<< PostgresRolePassword >>

Configure Apache to serve LedgerSMB

	$ cd /etc/apache2
	$ sudo cp /usr/src/ledger-smb/ledger-smb-httpd.conf ledger-smb.conf
	$ sudo nano ledger-smb.conf

modify the paths at 3 places...

	Alias /ledger-smb "/usr/src/ledger-smb/"
	<Directory "/usr/src/ledger-smb">
	  AllowOveride All
	  AddHandler cgi-script .pl
	  Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymLinks
	  Order Allow,Deny
	  Allow from all
	<Directory "/usr/src/ledger-smb/users">
	  Order Deny,Allow
	  Deny from All

save & exit

	$ sudo nano apache2.conf

add the following lines somewhere in the text...

	# Ledger-SMB
 	Include /etc/apache2/ledger-smb.conf

save & exit

reboot computer

	$ cd /usr/src/ledger-smb
	$ sudo chown -hR www-data:www-data users templates css spool     

 Set-up a database and tables 
Load your web browser and connect to

This is your first time logging into LedgerSMB. Please set your administrative password
 Select the "Database Administration" link,
 enter the user you created in the previous step.

User    ledger-smb
Password    PostgresRolePassword
Connect to
Click on create Dataset

Create users and passwords to work in the created dataset.

Connect your web browser to to start the application

if you get "You have chosen to open login.pl.... open with or save to disk" dialog... clear the browser cache

Your system now has user structure that looks like the following.

system        user                                         password
-------     ----------------------    --------------
Linux           root                                         encrypted
Linux           ubuntu *                                 ubuntuPassword *
Linux           postgres *                              postgrespassword *
Postgresql   postgres * (superuser) 
Postgresql   ledger-smb *                         PostgresRolePassword *
Ledger	SMB  admin *                                  adminPasword * 
LedgerSMB   ledgerUser1 *                        ledgerUser1Password *
LedgerSMB   ledgerUser2 *                        ledgerUser2Password *

* or whatever names you choosed

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