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Re: return of BigFloat errors

I have traced things.
In bin/aa.pl, in create_links, there is code which iterates for
$form->{rowcount} times which in this case is 15.  
Yet, I have only 8 valid rows.

I can share /tmp/form1 is someone wants.
I find it weird looking at /tmp/form1, because amount_1..8 are actually:

     'amount_1' => bless( {
                    '_e' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                    '_es' => '-',
                    '_m' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                    'sign' => '+'
                  }, 'Math::BigFloat' ),

which seem to be an empty (==0?) BigFloat.
I'd have thought to see my actual expense amount.  In fact, I can't find
the expense amounts anywhere, although I see stuff like:

'AP_amount' => [
   'source' => undef,
   'memo' => 'IRVING GAS',
   'accno' => '5785',
   'description' => 'travel costs',
   'transdate' => '2011-01-27',
   'entry_id' => 16885,
   'projectnumber' => 'novavision',
   'amount' => bless( {
                        '_m' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                        '_es' => '-',
                        '_e' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                        'sign' => '-'
                      }, 'Math::BigFloat' ),
   'exchangerate' => bless( {
                              '_es' => '+',
                              '_m' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                              '_e' => bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'Math::BigInt::GMP' ),
                              'sign' => '+'
                            }, 'Math::BigFloat' ),
   'project_id' => 79253,
   'cleared' => 0

I don't see the amount 16.03 anywhere in the form.

    if ( $form->{taxincluded} ) {
        $diff = 0;

        # add tax to individual amounts
        # XXX needs alteration for conditional taxes

	# added by mcr:	
	open(OUT1, ">>/tmp/form1");
	$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
	print OUT1 "FORM[$i] ".Dumper($form)."\n";

        for $i ( 1 .. $form->{rowcount} ) {
            if ($netamount) {
	        # $form->{"amount_9"} does not exist
		# $form->{rowcount} = 15.
                $amount = $form->{"amount_$i"} * ( 1 + $tax / $netamount );
                $form->{"amount_$i"} = $form->round_amount( $amount, 2 );

I am hacking the code as follows:

-            if ($netamount) {
+            if ($netamount && defined($form->{"amount_$i"})) {

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