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Re: Notices when creating tables

On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, Chris Travers wrote:

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Luke <..hidden..> wrote:
(1.3 installation)

Not being a PostGreSQL expert, should I be concerned at the rather huge
number of these notices during installation?

NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "entity_id_seq" for
serial column "entity.id"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"entity_pkey" for table "entity"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "entity_id_key"
for table "entity"

Warnings are worth worrying about, these notices are not.  Pg however
tends to be fairly verbose about what goes on with DDL.....  Anytime
anything beyond what is explicitly asked for is done. we get these.
This means on every primary key, and every serial type.

Is there any value in the end user of the script seeing them, or all the "CREATED (TABLE|FUNCTION|TRIGGER|...)" etc. messages? Perhaps if it was interactive, but it's intended to be automated. For my own testing, I have grepped these notices and those action result items out of existence, and I could add that to the script to suppress these if they are not helpful. Errors and warnings and such would still appear of course.
