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Re: Features you would like to see in 2.0

On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, David F. Skoll wrote:

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

What features would you like to see in 2.0?

The number one feature for me is:

 # Updated and Modernized interface

-1.:) I do see the value of that, but as a primary development goal, there are too many other things needing priority work that make the application non-preferable for non-technical users.

o A proper API, preferably REST-based.


o A trigger mechanism that can invoke actions (eg, when payment is posted
 to an invoice, do something.)


o Hooks for processing credit-card payments.  (We use EVO Canada, which
 has a pretty decent API.  It would be Very Cool to be able to post credit
 card payments within LedgerSMB.)

That is fine, but if the modular design works the way I think it should, hooks for doing all manner of things should be available.

I would like to see a system for handling pre-paid accounts (I.E. turn customers from entities to accounts, so statements can be generated on balances owed/paid forward).

Make a distinction between inventory and capital resources (I.E. non-tracking inventory/consumables). We saw a discussion of that in the last few days, in the context of a farm, and while I think that could have been handled better by pre-planning and proper use of AP Transactions, there are companies which take things into inventory, and then routinely end up using some of them in the business instead of selling them (E.G. computer parts/IT companies).

The biggest feature I want to see, is the modular design that Chris originally described, with the bare-bones release of the basic system done as soon as possible, as was discussed some months ago.

I would also like to see a change from this monolithic release policy, to a more incremental improvement release policy, wherein a major release can still have features added as time goes on. In fact, I think the modular design almost requires this to be effective.

So, my inflation adjusted $0.037.
