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Re: Features you would like to see in 2.0

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

> What features would you like to see in 2.0?

> The number one feature for me is:

>  # Updated and Modernized interface

I don't care at all about that :)  Here's what I'd like to see:

o A proper API, preferably REST-based.

o A trigger mechanism that can invoke actions (eg, when payment is posted
  to an invoice, do something.)

o Hooks for processing credit-card payments.  (We use EVO Canada, which
  has a pretty decent API.  It would be Very Cool to be able to post credit
  card payments within LedgerSMB.)

o No more silly roundoff errors that leave invoices with 0.01 owning.  This
  is particularly problematic in a multi-currency situation.

Right now, our integration tools muck about directly with the LedgerSMB
database.  I'd really prefer not to do that.

