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Re: Upcoming 2.0 of LedgerSMB

 On 26/07/2010 22:01, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On Sun, 2010-07-25 at 15:45 +0000, Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:

The migration to git would be most welcome. Would it not be better to make a
clean* svn to git conversion one time in the near future?
We aren't migrating the SVN. SVN will be for 1.3 and below only. 2.0 is
a clean cut.

This is of course a policy decision and I am sure you have plenty of reasons for it. However, just from a technical perspective, migrating and keeping an svn->git repo in sync is reasonably straightforward (ie you should be able to do it if you want to...)

Roughly speaking you generate a file mapping svn users to their email address (this step is optional, but git uses email addresses as the usernames). Then simply run:

    git svn clone -A ./git.authors --stdlayout svn://my_svn

This gives you a new git branch that should sync both ways.

I think it's reasonably nice to keep source code history around for later interest and perusal?


Ed W

P.S. Wasn't going to offer an opinion, BUT, if you did migrate like this, then it might make it substantially easier to continue to independently develop 1.3 bug fixes, new code in 2.0, but still keep the two trees in sync...